Saturday, September 24, 2011

Circle lens GIVEAWAY

So i have another free circle lens giveaway for my subscribers and followers.
Watch my video to get the full details on how to win 2 pairs of circle lens .

- Only 1 exclusive winner and 5 normal winner.
- Prize for exclusive winner: 2 set circle lenses+ 2 Adorable Lens Cases + a 15% discount coupon code.
- Prize for other 5 winner: A 15% discount coupon code + Free Adorable Lens Case of each contact lens order.
- Exclusive winner are eligible to choose their preferable colors, prescription and any 2 set circle lenses stated here: (Barbie King Series, Blytheye Series, Barbie Crystal Series, Twist Tornado Series, Puffy Eye Series, Miss Eye Series).
- This giveaways may start any time as long as you are ready. Duration will be 30 days from the day you it begins.
- No purchase require to join this giveaway contest.
- This giveaway contest open INTERNATIONALLY.

*Please list your FIRST and LAST NAME & account names (youtube/facebook/blogspot/tumblr) for my RULES so i know if you are actually following me or not (down in the comment section) thanks.

Rules: For
1. Must LIKE the SPECIALLENS Fan Page at and post "I would like to win circle lens set at SeeSeeWorld giveaway contest" at the fan page wall.

2.Must subscribe to the newsletter from here with the code: SeeSeeWorld.
The URL is

1. Subscribe to my Youtube channel

2. Follow me on Tumblr

3. Follow me on Blogspot

4. Like my Fanpage on Facebook


  1. I finally did all of it! I got caught up in my blogspot account though:P But I don't have the same facebook name.....well I will just put both of my names down. Thx for doing so manny give aways seesee. Love you and your videos. (~0.0~) ~pyong

  2. oh yea my facebook is Anlu Zhu and my youtube is suzumiaharuhi

  3. HI! my name is Janet Loayza
    youtube: TheJanicevip
    facebook: princess janice
    tumblr: thefreaklist
    blogspot: mango
    twitter: @janicevip

    thanks 4 ur cool giveaway :)

  4. Hi ^^^
    I was wondering when will this end?
